Yunshi is a Post-Doctoral Fellow working with Tommy Lam for the Mosquito-borne Viruses: Epidemiology, pathogenesis and interventions program.
What is your background?
After completing my MPhil in Biology degree at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, I pursued my PhD at the School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong, focusing on epidemiology and evolution of mosquito vectors and their arboviruses.
What is your research interest?
My research interest is on the evolution and ecology of emerging infectious pathogens, especially mosquito-borne viruses, and population genetics of mosquito vectors. I am also engaged in the study of the application of novel technology in mosquito control and virus identification.
Working at C2i
Currently, I am a Post-Doctoral Fellow working with Dr. Tommy Lam for the Mosquito-borne Viruses: Epidemiology, pathogenesis, and interventions program. My research mainly focuses on diversity and prevalence of arboviruses in Hong Kong, genomics of mosquito vectors and vector-virus interaction.